Mathini Sellathurai
Heriot-Watt University
Mathini Sellathurai is a Full Professor of signal processing and intelligent systems with Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K. She is leading research in signal processing for wireless communications. She has published 200 IEEE entries, given invited talks and has written a book and several book chapters in topics related to this project. She was a recipient of the IEEE Communication Society Fred W. Ellersick Best Paper Award in 2005, the Industry Canada Public Service Awards for contributions in science and technology in 2005, and the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award (Silver Medal) from NSERC Canada in 2002. She is also a member for IEEE SPCOM Technical Strategy Committee, an Editor of IEEE TSP from 2009. She is also the General Co-Chair of IEEE SPAWC2016 in Edinburgh.
Research Interest
Signal Processing for intelligent information infrastructures for wireless communications; radar technology, parasitic antenna technology and analogue beamforming and precoding techniques, adaptive, cognitive (intelligent) and statistical signal processing techniques in a range of applications including Radar, Lidar, Sonar and RF networks, Network Coding, Cognitive Radio, MIMO signal processing, satellite communications and underwater communications.