Celestine Iwendi
Senior Lecturer, WSN Consults Ltd, United Kingdom
Dr. Celestine Iwendi is a Senior Lecturer Federal University Ikwo, Nigeria, Sensor researcher and Director of WSN Consults Ltd, a technology consulting company specializing in sensors, integrated circuits, security of wireless sensor networks module and system manufacturing with headquarters in Aberdeen, Scotland. He obtained a BSc and MSc in Electronics and Computer Engineering from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nigeria, MSc Communication Hardware and Microsystems from Uppsala University Sweden and a PhD in Engineering at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He has carried out many Independent and supervised designs that apply knowledge of Wireless Sensor Networks, Signal processing and Communications engineering to analyze and solve problems at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria, and Nigerian Telecommunication (Nitel), Uppsala University Sweden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He is member of the IEEE (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers), IEEE Communication Society, Swedish Engineers, Nigerian Society of Engineers. He is also an Associate at Centre for Sustainable International Development.